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[Comparison] WhatsApp vs Vodafone Group

by Unknown , at 8:26 PM , have 0 comments
WhatsApp vs Vodafone Group

This is not a good comparison.

WhatsApp valuation is based on lots of speculation, with far less revenue and the fact that they need Vodafone
What would be a more powerful info graphic is focusing on Users/Subscribers per employee.

That might however breakdown when looking at revenue per user.

Afterall, you can accomplish a lot with 55 employees.

Here's some detail of both company's.

WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS.
Founded in 2009
Founded by Brian Acton and Jan Koum
CEO : Jan Koum
Location: Santa Clara, CA

Vodafone Group plc /ˈvoʊdəfoʊn/ is a British multinational telecommunications company headquartered in London and with its registered office in Newbury, Berkshire.
Founded in September 16, 1991, Newbury, United Kingdom
Founded by Ernest Harrison, Gerry Whent
CEO : Vittorio Colao
Location: London, United Kingdom
[Comparison] WhatsApp vs Vodafone Group
[Comparison] WhatsApp vs Vodafone Group - written by Unknown , published at 8:26 PM, categorized as Comparison , Vodafone , WhatsApp . And have 0 comments
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